Sunday, September 6, 2015

Letter To Cousin.

Dear Computer Savvy Cousin,

Well as you can see I am still going strong with Social Media… Not only do I live on my phone I am writing about it also. I have been recently assigned to write a brief summary on what I think professional and technical communication is. We can all give an easy answer, communication. Yea, you might want a little more depth than that… Well professional communication is anything that might be brought up in a professional manner, setting, or group. Technical communication is anything that is how the communication is transferred, coded or sent information. Well now that you know this info you can go on with your day and tell a friend, so you can sound smart to. But before you do that just know that was a well educated guess.
So here is the deal I have found some quality material on the Internet to help me out with this material.
-Techinal Communication-
            They do a really nice job defining what technical communication is so instead of me boring you, just go check it out yourself.  But note that those communicating this way are focusing on making the information usable and accessible.  Technical information is so broad but so helpful. Everyone who has social media platforms does this everyday as you post and comment information on your feed.
-Professional Communication-
            This is speaking, listening, and writing of any form. This can be done inside and outside the workplace on any device or platform. (Simple definition for those who are reading through this fast) I know that I have used professional comm. In more than just a work setting but merely something I try to focus on all the time. You want to be taken seriously so make sure that you are professional so you can be taken seriously.

Summing both of those up they do go hand in hand with one another and are something that we rely on for basically every function in todays advanced technical age.


  1. Hey Dustin, great blog post. You were very clear in explaining technical and professional communication.

  2. You did a good job in explaining your idea of technical and professional communication. I liked your use of a link as a way for readers to find a more direct answer to what they are rather then taking your explanation as pure fact. By doing that you set it up so that others interested in the subject have a jumping off point for research.

  3. Your voice was very easily heard as I was reading your blogpost. It was fun to read how conversational you were. You also had some cool sources, thanks for sharing them.
