Sunday, March 29, 2015

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

            This is a search engine that finds its users the most helpful and beneficial information that relates to the search an individual is doing. It takes information from every website on the web. Google and Bing collect information about every page on the web to help everyone find what they are looking for. Every page has an algorithm that helps SEO Narrow down the results.  Search results matter because when your page has higher ratings it helps people find your page.  So you must make sure that your web page has everything it needs for the algorithm to successfully bring up your web page. 

Algorithms can be tricky so to help with that you must know that
-Words Matter
-Words in Links
All of these things matter and play an important role.

Search engines account for every word on the web
Search engines have titles that might be in the code because they summarize the page.
Links between websites because they recommend you to something else giving you more beneficial information.
Words in the links help you connect to other websites.
Fresh content and engaging links that have been viewed many times help make your material ranked higher.

Now that I know the basics for SEO this will help me in the future with my website that I will need to help grow my company. We all want our search to come up first and it can for various reasons you just have to put all the right information into the Algorithm to make your information come up first. Not only can we do this with our websites we can do this across social media platforms. Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn can all be pulled up when searching for your name if you have linked them to each other with hashtags, phrases and links.

You can market yourself and how well known you are is how well you have thought out the SEO process.

Arab Spring

Arab Spring

            My first question was what is Arab Spring? I had no clue nor had I heard any information on it. It did take place a few years ago with some major events taking place. It was shocking to me that the Egyptian leader had been thrown out of his ruling and many violent protests broke out.
            When I was research the topic and how it related to social media and the things that we have discussed as a class I found some interesting information on the topic.

From Washington University

Through social media in all aspects it showed the Middle East and Africa the freedom that they can have through what they had seen and read online, especially Twitter. With the vast majority of the world not knowing what was going on Twitter helped connect individuals about the change that needed to be done. When this very first starting going down there was only about 2300 tweets a day on what was currently going on. After many years and events escalating tweets rose to 230,000 a day. (I cant even believe that) What an impact that Twitter had on history. It helped the world follow along on events with people who where actually there. It connected people around the world and that supported the change that needed to be done. With things increasing rapidly on Twitter the link between these and other platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and blogs the news started to trend across all.
            You tube connected 5.5 million people through videos being viewed. YouTube as we know is not just about watching videos you can also comment and share information that you had seen. This is where blogs came into play because individuals that wanted to share their opinion in depth blogged about the information in detail.

            Social media can play such an impact on current events that are happening right now or in the past. It connects so many individuals fast and easily. I know that social media was just a portion of what went on but just think what if there was no Twitter or YouTube to watch the event taking place. We think that social media is just used for purposes that connect us with people or events that are only in our area, but it can connect us to so much more.

            On the other hand though does social media create an online war that creates more problems and violence…? I have asked myself this because the media projects only the things that they want their viewers to see, persuading you to their side. We have learned in class that someone can be taken down so quickly ex. The pizza delivery guy, look how fast the car company got bashed and how much money was raised in the pizza guy name. We need to be careful and make sure that we know what is going on by reading many different news sources to make sure that things are adding. To often do we read something without jumping to conclusion and making an ass of our self… To often.

With technology being as powerful as it is I wanted to briefly describe how this website says how technology has changed the power in Egypt.

            First, Infiltrating the media elites- news information that is biased persuading an individual one way or another.
            Second, Who needs Internet access- According to the Egyptians government not all it is there way of shaping and showing power with the working class.
            Third, Linking the street and digital worlds- to prove what is going on in reality and then projecting it out for others to see.
            Last, We need new tools- they want new tools to gain more power with social media.

            I cant believe that I was unaware of this major event, people lost their lives and where deprived of their freedom and rights. I can see both sides to social media and how they are beneficial and negative in any given situation. Helping others by connecting out through social media is great but it also causes an online war that can be greater than the war itself.

Next time you use social media make sure that you are making a change for the greater good!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Management Platforms and Tools >>>

Management Platforms and Tools…

First looking at this I took a small guess at what it might be and was not to far off. There are many subcategories of this main topic and I would like to talk about a few brief ones.

First one is Tracking---
            Your phone goes with you everywhere you go, so that means your cellular company knows exactly where you are at all times. I always have location services on because I like the way my apps run, knowing that I am in a certain location so they can narrow down my search options to what’s near me or trending in my area. Many of my friends are more private and don’t like to be tracked or have apps identify their location. I mean what are they going to do??? Come find me and say we found you because location services where on…. We already stalked a classmate and found out information that most of them thought was private or no that in depth. I mean if I tried hard enough I could find anyone’s address I really needed to. So next time an app asks you to turn on location services just do it …

Next I would like to talk about aggregators.
            Do you ever notice an add on the side of your screen that happens to be the same shirt from the website you where looking at a few days ago… Well they are trying to get your attention and bring you back to their website to purchase the shirt and make the money off of you. For me this happens all the time, I am constantly shopping online and ordering from amazon. I always see things while I am searching the Internet while I am supposed to be doing homework that catches my eye. Why, because I have looked at it before. I think this is really clever because they are marketing the exact thing that you want.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Organizational Uses

Well we all know that small business help drive and grow the economy in a positive manner. Small businesses provide many jobs for many different types of people that are very accommodating for those this day in age. Many small companies over the years end up growing and becoming larger only increasing the number of employees they employ. But how do they do this??

Many small business use things like linked in to find unique individuals that will provide a different perspective to their growing business. Not only can you find individuals to work for you, you can also advertise your business. This can draw major traction through your business because of the high number of individuals that use linked in.

Many small businesses say that don’t just target one social media platform because you have so many different users across all platforms. Some individuals only like Facebook, or Twitter etc.. You don’t want to lose those valuable interactions that could possibly change your business.  With social media platforms at an always-changing rate you have to keep up. Yes, a lot of work and time goes into making new accounts and drawing interest to you. But the outcome is great and so that equals greater income.

In my family there are business owners, which I have seen them, using social media to advertise their products and or business? This is great and has brought many long lasting clients from all over the state. I feel when we have something we find a service that we need or want we turn to the internet, so why not utilize this awesome tool. This will be the first tool I use when I open my company and to help me get out there and noticed!

If you have not already made profiles for many different accounts, now is the time to do that and start building relationships.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Class Cloud

The class Cloud in clas activity didn’t go as I would have liked it to go. I thought it could have been a little more interesting. But that is the thing with technology, it doesn’t always react how you want it to. I thought it was interesting how one of our classmates had some interaction with the outside and got someone to retweet her tweet. I on the other hand was a goof and tried to get Paris Hilton to mention me in a tweet, comment or like mine. But it didn’t happen. I have in the past had some popular people star my tweets. I thought that was just amazing that someone that popular would take the time to like what their fans had presented. Twitter is interesting because its just little posts that share your thoughts yet everyone is so addicted to it. We as a class I feel didn’t get very engaged in commenting on others post. Maybe we should have been working on this for a few days before the class cloud trying to get as many people involved as we could. I tried to watch after the class to see what was going to keep happening but nothing really happened that interesting after class. I had people like and comment on my tweets but nothing interesting. But who knows maybe if we did this again it would go completely different and blow my socks off haha.

Here are the links to my tweets that I did before class.

Here is my tweet during class

I thought I asked some good questions and tried to use pertinent hash tags that would get out there for others to recognize and click on to follow me. I like twitter but am more of an instagram user. I like the visual instead of a reading a tweet. I follow more and know the ins and outs more of instagram. Although its not that hard or complicated as you would say twitter is for me at least. Twitter I would say is more engaged and can get more people involved. But go look at some of the movie stars pictures they post there is way more comments and feedback then say if the posted on twitter.

We all have our favorite platform and use them how we would like, but for me social media is now and is what sets our generation apart from the past.